Risks & Warnings

By using our Website / Platform in any capacity you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understood the following risks and warnings. If you do not understand any of the risks or warnings set out below, you should take advice from an Independent Financial Advisor, a solicitor or a similar qualified professional before using our Platform. The following list of risk factors is not intended to be exhaustive, nor a complete explanation of the risks involved. Any decision to make an investment decision on early stage companies (start-ups) using content on our Platform is made entirely at your own risk.

We can answer any questions you may have as to the factual and operational aspects of our Platform but at no time will we provide investment, financial, legal or taxation advice to any person. If you need advice as to whether any investment decision on early stage companies (start-ups or investee companies) using content on our is suitable for your personal circumstances, you should consult an independent personal adviser who is experienced in advising on Investments of this kind.

UnicapPartners.com (Unicap Partners LLP) or it’s associates does not give any representation or warranty as to the performance of the investee companies. The investor acknowledges that the investee companies are high-risk investments, being non-readily realisable investments. There is a restricted market for such Investments and it may therefore be difficult to sell the investments or to obtain reliable information about their value. The investor undertakes that they themselves have considered the suitability of the investment in each of the investee companies carefully and have noted the risk warnings set out on the Platform. UnicapPartners.com shall not be responsible or liable to the Investor for the economic performance of the investments.

UnicapPartners.com or it’s associates does not provide you with any advice (investment advice, legal, taxation or any other advice). Each investor (meaning any user wishing to invest in early stage companies an Investment) confirms to each relevant person (person means UnicapPartners.com Directors, employees, consultants, agents or advisors) that, for the purposes of entering into any investment contemplated by these terms, he or she enters into any investment entirely on the basis of their own assessment of the risks and effect thereof. The investor acknowledges that he or she has read and understands the risk warnings in relation to the Investment which are set out on the Platform.

Investing in early-stage businesses involves risks, including illiquidity, lack of dividends, loss of investment and dilution, and it should be done only as part of a diversified portfolio. UnicapPartners.com is targeted exclusively at sophisticated investors who understand these risks and make their own investment decisions. Past performance of these early-stage businesses is not a reliable indicator of future performance. You should not rely on any past performance as a guarantee of future investment performance. Other specific risks:

1. Loss of capital: Most startups fail, and if you invest in a business through UnicapPartners.com, it is significantly more likely that you will lose all of your invested capital than that you will see a return of capital or a profit. You should not invest more money through the platform than you can afford to lose without altering your standard of living.

2. Liquidity Risk: Non-readily realisable securities are regarded as illiquid, hard-to-price securities for which there is no, or only a limited, secondary market. It is highly unlikely that, in the short to medium term, any secondary market will develop, nor is it likely that any of them will be listed on any recognised stock market. You are unlikely to be able to sell equity securities unless and until an offer is made by a buyer for the whole of a company’s issued share capital or the shares are listed on a stock market.

3. Potential for Loss Investing in early-stage businesses is inherently risky. Most startups fail. There is therefore a significant chance that you will lose all of the capital that you invest in such securities that appear on our platform. You are strongly advised to invest no more than you can afford to lose.

4. History: Early-stage businesses or investee companies, due in part to their age, are recently formed entities and have no substantive operating history upon which prospective investors can evaluate likely performance. The success of any such business will relate to the ability of the directors and staff to develop and deliver on a strategy to achieve that business’s objectives. At the same time Forecasts are not a reliable indicator of future performance.

5. Forward-looking Statements: We may provide you certain statements, estimates, projections, forecasts and data provided by the early-stage businesses with respect to the anticipated future performance of the business and/or its industry as mentioned by them on our platform. UnicapPartners.com not endorse or support such detail as it is owned by them. Such projections reflect various assumptions by the company's management concerning anticipated results, and may or may not prove to be correct. Actual results may vary from such projections, and such variations may be material.

6. Diversification: Given the risks involved in investing in early-stage companies or start-ups, you are advised to adopt a diversified portfolio. This means that you should invest relatively small amounts in multiple businesses rather than a lot in one or two businesses. It also means that you should invest only a small proportion of your investable capital in startups as an asset class, with the majority of your investable capital invested in safer, more liquid assets.

7. Dividends: Early-stage companies very rarely pay dividends, so you are unlikely to receive any return on your equity investment unless and until an offer is made by a buyer for the whole of the company's issued share capital or if the company floats on the stock market. This also means that if you invest in a business, even if it is successful you are unlikely to see any return of capital or profit until you are able to sell your shares in the investee company. Even for a successful business, this is unlikely to occur for a number of years from the time you make your investment.

8. Dilution: Any equity investment you make is subject to dilution. It is extremely likely that the company will need to raise several rounds of additional capital in the future, which may require the issue of further shares to existing shareholders of the company and/or new investors. Therefore, the proportion of the company which your shares correspond to at the time you make your investment may subsequently be diluted by such subsequent issue(s) of shares. If the company is growing in value, this means you would have 'a smaller slice of a bigger cake'; if the company is not growing in value, this means you would have 'a smaller slice of the same-sized or a smaller cake'.

In order to incentivise directors, employees or service providers the company may also choose to issue shares or grant share options to them, which would also dilute your shareholding.

New shares issued in subsequent fundraising(s) by the company may also carry preferential rights to those acquired by you. For example, they may carry a right to participate in the proceeds of sale before any proceeds of sale are distributed to subsequent shareholders. This preferential right may also involve a right to receive one or more times the amount invested by the relevant investor.

This list of risk factors does not purport to be a complete enumeration or explanation of the risks involved. Prospective investors should read the relevant investee companies' pitch documents in their entirety and consult with their own advisers before deciding whether to invest.